Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Step to Writting a Good Essay Essay Example
Venture to Writting a Good Essay After choosing the theme for my last paper I settled on , Credit scores are a reasonable measure to assist loan specialists with estimating possible hazard. My perspective considering this point is that I will clarify why I concur with the issue at that point follow with supporting realities and subtleties. I will continue to clarify the reasons why loan specialists and banks use scores t assess the hazard. I will show that a great many people which have a rehashed and unacceptable record of loan repayment as a rule, donââ¬â¢t change. I will share data on those with great credit set up and how to look after it. I will show how having positive or negative credit influences your every day living. I will talk about how acknowledge departments come up for FICO ratings, where their data originates from, and what to do on the off chance that it isn't right. I will introduce verifiable proof to help my perspectives and suppositions. I will start my paper with eagerness, and certainty to keep my crowd engaged and intrigued. In my paper, I will unveil various issues that can obliterate your credit. I will give a few approaches to revising your credit. I might want my crowd to comprehend that your credit hugy affects your way of life as well as the economy too. I need the crowd to realize that credit is something that you can undoubtedly decimate inside only weeks or in as meager as a month. I might want my crowd to likewise be educated that it tends to be rectified also, yet it is a long and dull procedure. I will encourage my crowd to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides of FICO assessments. Having great or reasonable credit is consistently an unquestionable requirement or an absolute necessity attempt to have in this day throughout everyday life. We will compose a custom article test on Step to Writting a Good Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Step to Writting a Good Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Step to Writting a Good Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer When I conclude my influential exposition, I want to have my crowd in my court, and understanding why it is so basic to have FICO assessments to gauge hazard in advance for moneylenders and brokers. Except if you settle your old credit tribulations, it is practically difficult to get another credit extension at a sensible financing cost. Individuals need to become cognizant and mindful that having great credit is basic and positive angle throughout everyday life. Potential bosses can even check your credit and FICO ratings. On the off chance that your credit or FICO rating is unsatisfactory, at that point it is dicey you will land the position, regardless of whether you are the most ideally equipped individual for the activity or exceptionally qualified because of your credit or credit scoring. Besides, the vast majority don't understand how their credit can influence their way of life, future riches and prosperity. We as shoppers should turn out to be increasingly mindful that it is our conduct and choices that we make used to decide our credit value. The truth is that loan specialists have utilized this procedure for a considerable length of time, and I question it will ever change sooner rather than later.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Business of Law
Question: Depict about the Australian Consumer Law. Answer: Presentation Australian Consumer Law gives uniform insurance to all purchasers just as to the private companies in all divisions and ward. Australian Consumer Law sets out the standards and the norms that a business undertaking needs to watch while doing their business exchange with the purchasers. It denies unjustifiable exchange rehearses regard of private venture just as the shoppers. The Treasury Legislation Amendment (Small Business and Unfair Contract Terms) Bill 2015 corrected the Australian Consumer Law and was identified in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010[1] and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. The essential target of this Bill was to secure the enthusiasm of the private venture from uncalled for exchange contracts and by defending its haggling power in the market. Conversation In Australia, customers are given satisfactory insurance from uncalled for exchange rehearses since 2010 while, security towards the private venture were very acknowledged of late by the legislature. An independent company alludes to the association that utilizes under twenty representatives or has not exactly endorsed limit for a multi-year agreement of $100,000 0r $250,000[2]. The legislature chose the exchange esteem limit of the private venture after counsel with various partners. The reason for existing was to give insurance to the private venture when they take part in everyday exchange and execute with the shoppers. The standards will likewise urge the private company to lead enormous agreement with due consideration and ingenuity for the key achievement of their business[3]. The ACCC assumes a critical job in conveying the independent venture speedily and obviously. It likewise furnishes them direction while managing their individual issues. It likewise exhorts them on elective contest goals forms. As ACCC has a remarkable main focus on independent venture, diversifying, business contact and business affiliations, it empowers a successful rivalry in the division of private company, supports reasonable exchanging, and reinforces its situation in the free economy[4]. The strategic policies must not confine rivalries. The independent company must know about their privileges and commitments when they manage the entire merchants, different business associations, and providers. The independent ventures are shielded from against serious conduct and bogus or deceiving claims under the Australian Consumer Law. The ACCC has ensured the aggregate dealing of the independent venture by offering a smoothed out procedure for the gatherings to look for approval courses of action of aggregate bartering. Hardly any such out of line exchange rehearses are to go into an agreement that will allow both of one gathering to end or breaking point the exhibition of the agreement or punishing the other party for the penetrate of any arrangements or shift the provisions of the agreement at its own will with no dealings or exploiting the bartering intensity of the other party[5]. The court is engaged to strike down any terms of the agreement that appears to it as unjustifiable. The independent company must go into the agreement having standard structures in reliable with the new unreasonable agreement terms laws. Any such unreasonable agreement terms will be held void according to the law[6]. In any case, the private venture must not go into any out of line exchange rehearses and should treat their customers genuinely and decently. They shouldn't offer restricted items to the customers. They should meet the prerequisites as dealer under the Australian Consumer Law, for example, they should not take part in deceiving and beguiling exchange rehearses. The business associations must not participate in unconscionable exchange rehearses especially, which are uncalled for and harsh. The High Court noticed that the point of the law was to ensure the serious procedure and not secure the enthusiasm of a specific individual. On the off chance that any opposition is adequately demonstrated hurtful, at that point such contenders can be eliminated[7]. It is regularly observed that private company turns into the survivors of abuse of market powers. They face distinctive serious issues contrasted with the enormous business houses. Hence, they are incorporated under the serious laws and are given assurance from brutal rivalries. As the independent venture comes up short on the complex current intends to accomplish data on the exchange laws and needs assets, they are likewise powerless as the purchasers. They too need to possibly be shielded from uncalled for exchange rehearses and unconscionable behaviors the commercial center. In this way, they are likewise ensured under the Consumer Law[8]. The little providers should be shielded from the large general stores with the goal that their authentic needs are not shadowed. In the serious market, they should be defended so the serious procedure doesn't exacerbate their condition. In ACCC v Coles[9], the Federal Court requested Coles to take care of monetary punishments of $10 million for taking part in unconscionable exchange practice with the providers. Coles is one of the popular general stores in Australia. In this way, it gives great access to the clients. Coles had requested high installments from the providers, which it shouldn't do. It additionally retained cash from them wrongfully. Along these lines, the undermining of Coles was affirmed to be conscious, genuine and rehashed unfortunate behavior as it abused the bartering powers. The lead was not done in compliance with common decency and inner voice and was against the acknowledged standard standards of exchange. End Accordingly, we see that private venture being defenseless and oblivious to the standard exchange rehearses must be secured in indistinguishable manners from the shoppers. In this manner, they are secured under the Consumer Laws. As they have feeble bartering power contrasted with the enormous business association, they are frequently misused. The Australian Courts forces substantial punishments as prevention on the individuals who abuses the independent venture by prompting out of line exchange rehearses and connecting with deluding and tricky exchange rehearses. ACCC goes about as a guard dog to defend the interests of the private venture reliably. They likewise give important guidance to the independent venture so they can shield themselves from any abuses. Under any serious laws surveys the authentic needs of the private venture are constantly given due thought. In this manner, we can say that the future independent companies are sufficiently secured and shielded under Australian Consumer Law. References ACCC,. Court Finds Coles Engaged In Unconscionable Conduct And Orders Coles Pay $10 Million Penalties. ACCC,. Little Business.Www.Accc.Gov.Au. Last altered 2016. Gotten to May 31, 2016. ACCC,. Unreasonable Contract Terms.Www.Accc.Gov.Au/. Last adjusted 2016. Gotten to May 31, 2016. ASIC,. Unreasonable Contract Terms Law.Asic.Gov.Au. Last adjusted 2016. Gotten to May 31, 2016. Rivalry AND CONSUMER ACT 2010 - SCHEDULE 2The Australian Consumer Law.Austlii.Edu.Au. Last altered 2016. Government Register Of Legislation.Www.Legislation.Gov.Au. Last adjusted 2016. Gotten to May 31, 2016. Private venture AND THE COMPETITION AND CONSUMER ACT.Www.Accc.Gov.Au. The Conversation,. Why The Australian Consumer Law Can Help Small Business.Theconversation.Com. Treasury Portfolio Ministers.Bfb.Ministers.Treasury.Gov.Au/. Last adjusted 2016. Gotten to May 31, 2016.
Friday, August 7, 2020
David Sedaris Inspired Me To Keep A Diary
David Sedaris Inspired Me To Keep A Diary Yesterday, the man across the aisle from me on my evening flight from Cleveland back to New York pointed at my crisp new copy of David Sedarisâ latest release, Theft By Finding. âIs that a good book?â He asked. I hesitated. âSort of.â âBecause I went to a reading he did a while ago and it just seemed like random stories.â At the time, I agreed with him that the book felt ârandom.â Some entries consisted of only a sentence, while others were meandering descriptions of conversations. Some entries were simple notations of offensive jokes Sedaris had heard from a coworker, or the money he spent that day. In other words, it felt like an actual diary, because it is: a bound compilation of Sedarisâ real diaries beginning in 1977. My fellow passenger had chatted to me about the book just as the flight attendant was closing the boarding door; by the time we landed at JFK, I had decided two things: first, that Theft By Findingâs ârandomnessâ was part, maybe even the majority, of its value; and second, that I was going to start keeping a diary again. NPR called Theft By Finding a âgreat junk store: chaotic, arbitrary, delightful,â and I agree with that assessment totally. Rather than meticulously recording the events of every day or filling the pages only when inspiration or tragedy struck, which seem to be two popular formats of diary books, Sedarisâs main criteria for what he wrote down seems to be âinteresting,â which covers everything from the spectacles put on by the regular customers at a Chicago IHOP to the shock and sadness of his motherâs death. Unlike his essays, which, by the nature of the genre, are structured as a narrative and tailored to elicit laughter, Sedarisâ diaries actually feel like life. Which is a weird thing to say, given that the book begins with Sedaris hitchhiking across the country working odd jobs and moves swiftly through art school in Chicago, the showbiz success of his sister Amy, to a series of misadventures in New York that coincide with the beginning of his success as a writer. But what I liked best about the book was that rather than coming away with the sense that Sedaris has had a more interesting life than most people, I merely felt that he had a better record of it. In other words, it felt so much like a real diary that I was inspired to start writing one of my ownâ"because even though Sedaris is undoubtedly one of the best humor writers of our generation, I think that if anyone took the time to write down every single interesting thing that happened to them, it would probably be worth reading. Iâve written before that Sedarisâ tendency toward exaggeration and truth-bending doesnât bother me, because I think that there are a million ways of telling the truth in memoir that have little to do with actual fact. In Theft By Finding, the believability factor is even more of an issue than his essays, and yet I find myself less concerned than ever with whether or not Sedaris is âlying to me as a reader. I think anyone Sedarisâ age, in his generation, probably has a million weird stories to tell (I have about ten thousand, and Iâm 22), and given his talent for wry observation and a career defined by capturing the truly strange things that occur in his life, he could easily fill a book with nothing but âtruths.â But thatâs not what a diary is. A diary is an artifact of varying states of mind, the product of narcissism, nostalgia, and perceptions altered if not by drugs than at least by hormones. Diaries are by nature âchaotic and arbitrary.â What feels the most authentic in Theft By Finding is Sedarisâ attitudes towards himself, his surroundings, and his purpose in the worldâ"as well as the fact that these attitudes are constantly fluctuating. I still donât know if Iâd call Theft By Finding a âgood book.â I donât know if itâs meant to be that. What I do know for certain is that when Iâm older, Iâm going to want to remember how funny, exciting, depressing or downright bizarre my life is right this second. I definitely owe Sedaris for that reminder. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A List of Ten International Human Resource Mistakes Made...
1. Based on this case incident compile a list of 10 international HR mistakes Mr. Fisher has made so far. Mr. Fisher, President of Central Steel Door, made many mistakes in his efforts to hire a sales manager in Europe. First, advertising in the International Herald Tribune is only going to attract Americans who lack the intelligence and in-country expertise the company needs to successfully compete in unfamiliar markets. Second, he fails to make the most of these candidates that these ads generate by asking them for referrals and offering an incentive. He fails to use the limited success of the ads to successfully network into the international community. Third, the lack of sensitivity ot living costs in Belgium and Germany for sales manager led to them quickly resigning. Fourth, Mr. Fisher didnt coordinate with the Belgian government to ensure employment taxes were paid on time, leading to a bill for back taxes of thousands of dollars. Fifth, the hiring of ten local people to staff distribution centers and the firing of five of them not only had to be communicated months in advance to local government authorities, Central Steel Door is legally obligated to pay them for a full year of their salaries based on German law. Sixth, the ignorance of local, regional and national laws ends up costing the company more than it made on any sales in the region ruing the case studys timeframe. Seventh, Mr., Fisher neglected to consider how the cultural differences between the UntiedShow MoreRelatedBohlander/Snell-Managing Hr24425 Words à |à 98 PagesManaging Human Resources, 14e, Bohlander/Snell - à © 2007 Thomson South-Western à © STONE/GETTY IMAGES chapter 15 International Human Resources Management After studying this chapter, you should be able to objective Identify the types of organizational forms used for competing internationally. objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Identify the unique training needs for international assignees and their employees. objective Explain the economic, politicallegal, and cultural factorsRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words à |à 820 PagesChan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIon CenTeR ManageMenT Seventh Edition Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran Read MoreManagement Course: MbaâËâ10 General Management215330 Words à |à 862 PagesMBA Program McGraw-Hill/Irwin abc McGrawâËâHill Primis ISBN: 0âËâ390âËâ58539âËâ4 Text: Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition Cohen Harvard Business Review Finance Articles The Power of Management Capital FeigenbaumâËâFeigenbaum International Management, Sixth Edition HodgettsâËâLuthansâËâDoh Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition JonesâËâGeorge Driving Shareholder Value MorinâËâJarrell Leadership, Fifth Edition HughesâËâGinnettâËâCurphy The Art of M A: Merger/Acquisitions/Buyout Guide, ThirdRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesFoundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management 577 Appendix A Research in Organizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface Read MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words à |à 1186 Pagesto Text Topics Chapter 1 Modern Project Management Chapter 8 Scheduling resources and cost 1.2 Project defined 1.3 Project management defined 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 2.1 The project life cycle (.2.3) App. G.1 The project manager App. G.7 Political and social environments F.1 Integration of project management processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule Resource leveling 7.2 Setting a cost and time baseline schedule (1.3.5) [8.1.3] 6
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Causes And Differences Between Men And Women The Aging...
Is there a gender difference in chronic illness such as cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension and parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease, for older adults in North America? Aging is inevitable, it is part of nature and as an individual ages, they become more at risk for developing a chronic illness such as cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension and parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease. A chronic illness is classified as a disease that lasts for at least 3 months and is progressive which may lead to death. Due to the biological and physiological differences between men and women the aging process is different for each sex. The sex of an individual is based on a person s reproductive system Gender, refers to how one is viewsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Therefore, little information about the relation to women and CVD is unavailable. Also, the reason why men and women experience CDV differently remains unknown. However, recent studies have proven that more women suffer from chronic cardiovascular disease than men. Studies have shown that cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death among women. (1) Cardiovascular disease includes heart disease, hypertension and stroke. Due to the major biological difference between older men and women; such as menopause, which increases the risk of CVD in women, the evidence found during studies with men does not provide adequate information in relation to women. (2/6) According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal, in 1999, the North American survey showed that 5.4% of men and 4.6% of women in Canada had Cardiovascular disease; however more Americans had CDV, 8.4% and 5.6%. (1) Cardiovascular disease related mortality rates have been higher in men than women, in both Canada and United States. In the past, men have been more prone to have higher mortality rates as a result of CVD than women. In 1999, Manuel and colleagues reported that in Canada the CVD mortality rate for men was 288 pe r 100 000 and 175 per 100 000 for women. (1) The United States had similar results in 2003 compared to Canada in 1999, where the CVD related mortality rates were 307 per 100 000 for men and 158 per 100 000 for women. (1) *Any new and current CDV stats* *why is CVD differentShow MoreRelatedSupporting the Elderly Essay797 Words à |à 4 Pagestransition into old age can be difficult for some people. Frustration, lack of responsibility and dependence can make the process of aging undesirable. Old age should be viewed as another phase of life, but not the end of life. In order to help elderly cope with aging it is important for them to have social interaction. Support from family, friends and the local community can make a difference in the psychological well being of older adults. 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The former gives bone its flexibility and energy-absorbing capability, while the laterRead MoreDiscrimmination against the Elderly Essay955 Words à |à 4 Pagesageism and he defined it as ââ¬Å"a process of systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people because they are old. . . . Old people are categorized as senile, rigid in thought and ma nner, old fashioned in morality and skillsâ⬠(p. 35). Ageism is a form of oppression of elders by youth and adults. Ageism intersects with classism and sexism to produce differences in distribution of retirement resources for the elderly. Women of all ethnic groups live longer than men and general have fewer economicRead MoreEssay about Male Menopause: Fact or Fiction?1336 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe following symptoms: hair loss, depression, a slower immune system, weight gain, less stamina for physical activity, forgetfulness, irritability, and loss of or reduced interest in sex. (5) Impotence may also occur. Usually this change arises between the ages of 40 and 55, although it has been known to transpire as early as 35 and as late as 65. (6) Several different clinical terms exist for the popularized term male menopause such as andropause or viropause. (2) Andropause was named forRead MoreOsteoporosis Is The Most Common Chronic1725 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe U.S.A, resultin g in osteopenia and fractures in spine , hip and wrist. In addition osteoporosis is progressive, and the skeletal fragility often leads to disabling fractures (hip fractures) and even death. Primary osteoporosis is a result of aging, whereas secondary osteoporosis occurs at any age, is a consequence to certain medication as well as diseases. Throughout life the skeletal system is constantly changing. Bone modeling, formation and growth of bones, occurs from birth to early adulthoodRead MoreGeneral Health Of The Elderly Population Essay1451 Words à |à 6 PagesOctober 28, 2016 Chapter 9 Summary Physical Activity In reading chapter 9 we live in an aging society. Not only is 1 in every 8 Americans older than 65 years, but a person aged 65 can expect to live an average of 18 more years . People aged 85 years and over are the fastest-growing group, and the proportion of these ââ¬Å"oldest oldâ⬠is expected to triple between now and year 2030. Continued good health of the elderly population is a major challenge to public health. What Happens As We Age HealthyRead MoreDefining Abnormality1408 Words à |à 6 Pagespsychology simply defined is behavior that is other than normal. However, other factors have to be taken into account before an individual is categorized as abnormal; their culture, age, and gender have significant influences on behavior. Culture The process of distinguishing normal and abnormal behavior must take into account cultural relativism. Many different cultures view behaviors differently. What may be considered abnormal in one culture is considered normal in another. An important component ofRead MoreIssues Affecting the Aged1327 Words à |à 6 PagesIssues Affecting the Aged By late adulthood none of us can dispute the physical signs of aging. As Erikson and colleagues (1986) have noted, ââ¬Å"As the overall tonus of the body begins to sag and innumerable inner parts call attention to themselves through malfunction, the aging body is forced into a new sense of invalidnessâ⬠¦The elder is obligated to turn attention from more interesting aspects of life to the demanding requirements of the bodyâ⬠(p. 309). In the United States, a substantial
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ise Determination of Fluoride Content in Various Substances Free Essays
ISE Determination of Fluoride Content in Various Substances CHM 222 ââ¬â A 4 / 20 / 2007 Introduction:The ion selective electrode used was made up of a silver / silver chloride reference electrode and a glass electrode. The pH of the electrochemical cell is determined by monitoring the electrical potential difference between the half-cells. The glass electrode is an ion selective electrode (ISE), which only responds to the hydronium ion concentration / activity in a solution under a large range of conditions. We will write a custom essay sample on Ise Determination of Fluoride Content in Various Substances or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this experiment, we are measuring the fluoride ion concentration, which means our electrode responds to fluoride ion concentrations. Procedure And Data: |Standard Solutions | |Concentration (M) |Potential (mV) | |0. 9967 x 10-6 |15. 0 | |0. 9967 x 10-5 |1. 4 | |0. 9967 x 10-4 |-42. | |0. 9967 x 10-3 |-101. 1 | |0. 9967 x 10-2 |-160. 8 | |0. 9967 x 10-1 |-219. 0 | Unknown #6 was used for this lab group. It produced a potential difference of -196. 8 mV. This was then used in the equation derived from our standard solutions and found to have a [F-] = 0. 0618 M. Preparation of the toothpaste sample was done by a sonicator. Then, the electrical potential difference was measured again, just as in the standard solutions and unknowns. It was found to have a potential of -85. 6 mV. Inserted into the equation, [F-] = 3. 31 x 10-4 M. Calculations:See attached sheets. Results:Toothpaste [F-] = 3. 31 x 10-4 M Unknown #6 [F-] = 0. 0618 M Label Value in Toothpaste 0. 15% w/v Calculated Value in Toothpaste 0. 8 mg / g 0. 8 mg/g converted to w/v (g/100 mL) is approximately 0. 1144% w/v. In comparison with the label, the calculated error is found to be about -24%. A potential source of error could be found in the method of dissolving the toothpaste. There were a lot of bubbles formed, thus allowing for greater possibility of misreported volumes of solution. Also, the pH / V meter had difficulty settling on values during the standard measurements, which would alter the regression line. The ISAB seemed to work better with stronger concentrations of [F-], as the regression line fit better toward the latter part of the plot. However, the pH region seemed to be less important than the [F-] concentration. How to cite Ise Determination of Fluoride Content in Various Substances, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Stop and Frisk Policy free essay sample
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the pros and cons of the Stop and Frisk policy in New York. This paper covers a short history of Stop and Frisk. It also will address the progression of the policy throughout the years. Furthermore, it will relate the topic to the management, gender, and race class focusing in on how the unconscious bias plays a role in how the police choose who to stop. The paper also includes some statistics of Stop and Frisk encounters. It will conclude with the group opinion of the Stop and Frisk policy. INTRODUCTION New York City has a policy in place known as the Stop and Frisk policy. According to New York Criminal Procedure (2012), if a police officer, ââ¬Å"suspects that (a) person is committing, has committed or is about to commit either (a) a felony or (b) a misdemeanor defined in the penal law, and may demand of him his name, address and an explanation of his conduct (New York Criminal, 2012). â⬠Also stated in the procedural handbook, if a police officer, ââ¬Å"reasonably suspects that he is in danger of physical injury, he may search such person for a deadly weapon or any instrument, article or substance readily capable of causing serious physical injury and of a sort not ordinarily carried in public places by law-abiding persons (New York Criminal, 2012).â⬠In short, this policy allows officers to stop suspicious citizens and frisk them for weapons or drugs; it was put into place on September 1, 1971 (ââ¬Å"WNYC Newsroom,â⬠2012). According to Hennelly (2009), ââ¬Å"Ninety percent of those stopped were people of color. Only about 10 percent produced an arrest or summonsâ⬠¦ the NYPD has consistently denied that its stop and frisk strategy involves racial profiling.â⬠Stop and frisk has been the cause of many disagreements and lawsuits (ââ¬Å"WNYC Newsroom,â⬠2012); the policy comes with many pros and cons. PROS AND CONS New Yorkââ¬â¢s stop and frisk policy could be seen as both negative and beneficial. If the stop and frisk is conducted according to procedure, no one is harmed and there is the possibility of removing another criminal from the streets. It benefits the public, in that it offers a sense of security and safety. However, along with these benefits come many negative side effects. It is seen as an invasion of privacy. More often than not, the person is found to be innocent of any crime. Racial profiling is often the tactic for search procedures (Hennelly, 2009). People become leery of the police begin to lose their trust in law enforcement. Many New Yorkers feel that they are stopped simply because of the color of their skin, the way they dress or the neighborhood they live in. STATISTICS Even though stop and frisk is a popular technique used by police all over the country, New York is one of the most controversial states. Since Mayor Bloomberg came in to office in 2003, stop and frisks incidents have risen by 600 percent (Carver, 2013). There have been many lawsuits filed against the City of New York, and the New York Police Department for unlawfully stopping minority males on the street. The lawsuits claim that police officers were subject to stop and frisk quotas each month that they were required to make. A Brooklyn police officer testified in court that he was required to make five stop and searchââ¬â¢s a day, which should be logged (Carver, 2013). Stop and frisk can be looked at from two different angles which are on extremely opposite sides of the spectrum. The first side, arguing for stop and frisk, is that it saves lives because the more people stopped the more likely it is that they will find someone with a weapons or drugs. The other side, arguing against stop and frisk, believe that it promotes racial profiling and only people who belong to minority group are stopped. Looking at stop and frisk in an objective way one might say that it is a good program that has flaws that need to be worked out. According to City Council Speaker Christine Quinn (2013), ââ¬Å"We should continue doing stop, question and friskâ⬠¦We need to create a very clear structure around the use of this tactic to make sure that it isnt being overly used, to make sure that it isnt being used in a way that anyone feels they are being targeted because of who they are (Sheets, 2013).â⬠When arguing for stop and frisk one must take into account the other side. People argue that racial profiling is used. However, if one thinks logically it can be argued that a lot of gun and drug activity happens in minority neighborhoods and, as we learned in class, many minorities live in ââ¬Å"badâ⬠neighborhoods because they make less money than people who live in ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠neighborhoods. This is not to say that whites or people who are not considered a minority do not live in ââ¬Å"badâ⬠neighborhoods, it simply means that the majority of these people are minorities. With that being said, because more drug and gun activity take place in these neighborhoods and more minorities live there, it is more likely that more minorities will be stopped. Another possibility is that the officers stopping the minorities have an unconscious bias brought on by the media or one of the theories we learned about in class. For example, if an officer stopped an African American man it is possible that the media has trained his mind to think of African American men as criminals. The same is true of people who think that all terrorists are from an Arabic background. According to Schaefer (2009), it is also possible that their unconscious bias was formed from the peer and social influences they may have faced in their lives or because of the way they saw authority figures act when they were growing up (Schaefer, 2007). People have to become aware of their unconscious biases in order to change their points of view. On the other hand, when arguing against stop and frisk, one may choose to only look at the negative side of it. Numerous people are stopped every year and only a small percentage of those stopped actually have weapons or drugs (Carver, 2013). Is it possible that people are getting stopped based on the way they are dressed, the color of their skin, or where they live? People who argue against stop and frisk may argue that officers who stop people are invading their privacy based on their race or ethnicity. This is brought about by stereotyping. People assume that because some people from a certain ethnic or racial group have been known to carry weapons or drugs that all people belonging to that group carry them. Others who argue against stop and frisk, such as Councilman Jumaane Williams, believe that stop and frisk is simply not working. ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t know how stop, question, and frisks leads to less murders if the shootings have stayed the same,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"That means people are surviving being shot, so we keep being wedded and keep giving credit to stop, question, and frisk for everything (Stieber, 2013).â⬠RELATION TO CLASS Whether one agrees with stop and frisk or not, we can see that the reasons some people are stopped and others do not may have a lot to do with the unconscious bias, authoritarian theory, or normative theory. It is obvious that the stop and frisk laws bring about strong opinions on both sides of the spectrum. Those who argue for it are could make the argument that even though only about ten percent of the incidents where people are stopped constitute an arrest that is still ten percent less criminals who are in possession of drugs or weapons who are no longer walking the streets (Velez, 2013). In a city as large as New York with the crime rate that they have it is an easy argument that ten percent less criminals on the street is an excellent improvement to the safety of law abiding citizens. While it may be an inconvenience for some people by taking time out of their day, those who have nothing to hide also have nothing to worry about. Knowing that the police are vigilantly on the lookout for suspicious behavior and have the right to question those they deem may be a threat without the fear of being reprimanded seems like it would be a comfort to all families who fear for the safety of th eir children and themselves. Conversely, many people are of the opinion that Stop and Frisk gives the police too much license to abuse their power. It is very difficult to pin point what exactly constitutes ââ¬Å"suspicious behaviorâ⬠which creates a grey area that police could exploit. Additionally the existence of a quota system requiring police to make a certain number of stops per day or per week only help to strengthen the disapproval to the stop and frisk law. CONCLUSION This article has mentioned arguments such as racial profiling, invasion of privacy, and unconscious bias, and after all police are not perfect, they are just human beings who are just as capable of biases discrimination and prejudice as everyone else. Those against stop and frisk believe many of the police base their right to stop an individual on their attire or their ethnicity and not on how they are behaving and that this is a serious injustice to innocent people who simply trying to express themselves with their clothing and their culture.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Elements of Account Essay Example
Elements of Account Essay Sample Question Paper Code-254 ELEMENTS OF BOOK KEEPING ACCOUNTANCY Class-IX Summative Assessment-II March 2011 Examination Design of Question paper Time Allowed : 3 Hrs 01. Weightage to form of Questions Type of questions 1. 2. 3. 4. MCQs Short Answer Questions Long Answer Questions(i) Long Answer Questions(ii) Total No. of Questions 16 8 4 4 32 Marks for each Question 1 3 4 6 Total Marks 16 24 16 24 80 Maximum Marks : 80 Duration of the examination will be 3 3 ? hours. Evaluation will be done from following topics Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Journal Ledger Recording and posting of cash transactions Trial balance 20 20 20 20 80 marks 1 Sample Question Paper ELEMENTS OF BOOK KEEPING ACCOUNTANCY (Code-254) Class-IX Summative Assessment-II Time Allowed : 3 Hrs GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. The Question Paper has 32 questions in all. All questions are compulsory. Maximum Marks : 80 Questions from serial No. 1 to 16 are multiple choice questions. These are to be answered by writing the correct option in your answer sheet. Attempt all parts of a question together. Business transactions are recorded:(a) (c) in chronological order at the end of the month (b) (d) weekly None of the above 1 2. Trial Balance is prepared generally for a particular period which is ? (a) (c) week Quarter (b) (d) month Year 1 3. Goods returned of Rs. 500/- by a customer, Anil will be entered in(a) (c) Purchases Book Sales Book (b) (d) Purchases Returns book Sales Returns Book 1 4. Purpose of Sales Book is(a) (b) (c) (d) To record all sales made by the firm To record payment due to creditors To record all credit sales made by the firm to record credit sales of goods made by the firm 1 5. Salaries paid to staff will be debited to (a) (c) Salary A/c Staff A/c (b) (d) Cash A/c Expense A/c 1 1 (b) (d) Secondary entry None of the above 1 Transactions None of the above 6. A ledger is called a book of :(a) (c) Primary entry Final entry 7. A Ledger Account is prepared from:(a) (c) Events Journal (b) (d) 8. Cash Book is used to record. (a) (c) All Cash receipts only. All Cash c redits sales (b) (d) All Cash payments only All receipts payments of Cash 1 (b) (d) Original entry None of the above 1 9. Journal is called a book of (a) (c) Secondary entry Final entry 10. We will write a custom essay sample on Elements of Account specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Elements of Account specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Elements of Account specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Transactions entered on the debit side of Cash-Book are posted to (a) (b) (c) (d) Debit side of the Cash Account Debit side of the respective ledger account Credit side of the respective ledger account Credit side of the Cash Account 11. If the total of the debit side of Cash Book exceeds the total on the credit side it indicates: 1 (a) (c) Favourabel cash balance (b) Excess of expenditure (d) Unfavourable cash balance Bank Overdraft 1 12. Petty Cash Book is generally prepared by: (a) (c) Every business unit Large business units (b) (d) Small business units None of the above 3 13. The object of preparing trial balance is: (a) (b) (c) (d) To ascertain the profits for the period To ascertain the accuracy of accounts To ascertain the financial position of the concern To ascertain cash balance 1 14. Purchase of furniture on credit is recorded in (a) (b) (c) (d) Purchase book Journal Cash-Book Sales-Book 1 15. Cash discount received on payment to creditor is recorded on the (a) (b) (c) (d) Credit side of the cash column of the Cash-Book On the debit side of the cash column of the Cash-Book On the credit side of the discount column of the Cash-Book On the debit side of the discount column of the Cash-Book 16. Ledger contains: (a) (b) (c) (d) All accounts Only personal accounts Only nominal accounts Only real accounts 1 17. Prepare the Purchases Book from the following details:(a) (b) (c) 3 Purchase of goods costing Rs. 5000 from M/s. Ramesh vide invoice no. 120 dated 15. 09. 2010. Purchase of Fixed Assets costing Rs. 8000 from M/s. Renu vide invoice no. 016 dated 20 . 09. 2010. Paid wages Rs. 600 in cash vide receipt no. 16 dated 25. 09. 2010. 4 18. Classify the following under the three types of accounts ( Real, Nominal and Personal): (a) (c) (e) Drawings Capital Bank (b) (d) (f) Cash Machinery Depreciation 3 3 3 3 3 3 9. Give any three uses of a ledger. 20. Differentiate between Journal and Ledger on the basis of any three points. 21. Cash Book is both a Journal a ledger. Explain. 22. Give three examples of entries which appear in a Journal Proper. 23 . Write any three limitations of preparing a Trial Balance. 24. State whether the following account will have a debit or a credit balance ? (a) (c) (e) Sales Capital Rent Paid (b) (d) (f) Purchase Return Salary Purchases 3 25. Enter the following transactions in appropriate Subsidiary Books of Ramesh for the month of January 2010: 4 Date Jan. Jan. 5. Jan. 15 Jan. 25 Transactions Sold goods to Ram Purchased goods from Hari Ram Returned goods to Hari Ram Ram Returned Goods Rs. 5,000 2,000 500 800 26. Rearrange the following steps in preparing ledger: 1. Enter the relevant amount in the amount column . 2. Record the page no. of the Journal . 3. Identify in the Ledger the account in which transactions are to be recorded. 4. Enter the date of the transaction in the date column. 4 5 27. Insert the following in Tabular Petty Cash Book. On 1st Feb. 2010 Rs. 40 were given to petty cash clerk. Feb. 2009 1. 2. 8. 12. 14. 15 Transactions Chowkidars Wages Pencils Railways freight on account of books Postage Stamps Telegrams Sundry Expenses Amount (Rs. ) 15. 00 5. 25 2. 31 1. 25 2. 44 0. 56 28. What is the main objective of preparing a Trial Balance? 29. Journalise the following transactions Date 2009 Jan. 1 Jan. 3 Jan . 7 Jan. 20 Jan. 25 Jan. 30 Started business with cash Sold Goods to Rohan Goods purchased from Sohan Paid Rent Commission Received Machinary purchased 50,000 40,000 20,000 500 200 10,000 Transactions Rs. 4 6 0. Pass the Journal Entries of M/s. Ram Traders. Post them to the Ledger from the following transactions: 6 Date 2010 April 1 April 3 April 5 April 15 Commenced Business with cash Purchased Furniture Goods purchased Cash Sales 1,50,000 25,000 30,000 40,000 Transactions Rs. 6 31. From the following information, draw up a Trial Balance in the books of Shri Subhash Chand as on 31st March,2009: 6 Transactions Capital Purchases Cash in Hand Cash at Bank Electricity exp. Stationery Office Equipment Sundry Debtors Machinery Salaries 32. Rs. ,50,000 40,000 7,000 8,500 4,800 500 2,400 8,000 1,60,000 11,400 Transactions Sales Sundry Creditor Rent Furniture Bank Loan Investment Commission paid Opening Stock Commission Received Postage Telegram Rs. 1,05,400 5,000 2,000 16,000 10,000 6,000 1,050 3,200 1,200 750 Prepare a Cash Book with discount column of Shri Shyam from the following transactions and balance it. 2009 March 1 March 3 March 5 March 10 March 12 March 15 March 18 March 25 Balance of cash in Hand Rs. 25,000 Rent paid Rs. 2,000 Purchased goods for cash Rs. 10,000 Stationery purchased Rs. 2,500 Sold Goods for Cash for Rs. ,000 Cash received from Ram Rs. 980 and discount allowed Rs. 20 Cash paid to Shyam Rs. 950 and discount Received Rs. 50 Wages Paid Rs. 2,000 7 Marking Scheme ELEMENTS OF BOOK KEEPING ACCOUNTANCY Class-IX Summative Assessment-II Time : 3 hours Q No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. 18 Answer (a) (d) (d) (d) (a) (c) (c) (d) (b) (c) (a) (c) (b) (b) (c) (a) Maximum Marks : 80 Marks Purchase Book Balance Rs. 5,000 (a) (c) (e) Personal Account Personal Account Real Account (b) (d) (f) Real Account Real Account Nominal Account 8 19. (i) It provides complete information about all accounts in one book. ii) It facilitates the preparation of final accounts. (iii) It enables to ascertain the main items of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and their amounts. 20. Point of Distinction 1. 2. Nature Stage of Recording Journal It is a book of primary entry. Recording in the journal is the first stage. 3. Balancing Journal is not balanced Ledger It is a book of final entry Recording in the ledger is the second stage. All ledger accounts (except nominal accounts) are balanced in the ledger. 21. The Cash Book is a book of original entry since transactions are recorded for the first time from the source document. The Cash Book is a ledger in the sense that it is designed in the form of a Cash Account and records Cash receipts on the debit side and cash payments on the credit side, Thus, the Cash Book is both a journal and a ledger. 22. (i) Outstanding Expenses. (ii) Prepaid Expenses (iii) Entries for Dishonor of Bills. 23. Limitation of a Trial Balance- A Trial Balance is not a conclusive proof of the accuracy of the books of accounts since certain types of errors remain even when the Trial Balance tallies. The following errors do not affect the trial Balance at all. a) (c) 24 (a) Error of Principle, (B) Compensating error, Error of Recording in the books of original entry. Credit Debit Debit Error of complete omission (d) Credit (b) (d) (f) (c) Credit (e) Debit 25. Sales Book Rs. 5,000, Purchase Book Rs. 2,000, Purchase Return Book Rs. 500, Sales Return Book Rs. 800. 26. In order of 3-4-2-1. 27. Total Payment Rs. 26. 81 Balance c/d Rs. 13. 19 Grand Total Rs. 40. 00 Cash Required Rs. 26. 81 9 28. (i) To ascertain the arithmetical accuracy of Ledger accounts. (ii) To help in locating errors. (iii) To facilitate the preparation of financial statements. 9. Date 2009 Jan. 1 Particulars Cash A/c To Capital A/c (Being business started with cash) Jan. 3 Rohan To Sales A/c (Being the goods sold to Rohan) Jan. 7 Purchase A/c To Sohan (Being the goods purchased from Sohan) Jan. 20 Rent A/c To Cash A/c (Being the rent paid) Jan. 25 Cash A/c Dr. 200 200 Dr. 500 500 Dr. 20,000 20,000 Dr. 40,000 40,000 Dr. Debit (Rs. ) 50,000 50,000 Credit (Rs. ) To Commission Received A/c (Being the commission received) Jan. 30 Machinery A/c To Cash A/c Dr. 10,000 10,000 Being the Machinery purchased Total 1,20,700 1,20,700 10 30. (a) Date 2010 April 1. Particulars Cash A/C To Capital A/c (being started business with cash) Furniture A/c To Cash A/c (being the goods purchased for cash) Purchase A/c To Cash A/c (being the goods purchased for cash) Cash A/c To Sale A/c (bring the goods sold for cash LF Amounts Rs. 1,50,00 Amounts Rs. 1,50,000 April 3. 25,000 25,000 April 5. 30,000 30,000 April 15. 40,000 40,000 (b) Balance of following ledger Accounts Cash A/c Rs. 1, 35,000,Furniture A/c Rs. 25,000, Purchase A/c Rs. 30,000, Sales A/c Rs. 40,000. 31. Trial Balance Total Rs. 2, 71,600. 32. Cash Book Balance C/D Rs. 16530. 00, Discount Dr. Rs. 20. 00, Discount Cr. Rs. 50. 00. 11
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Free Essays on Who Killed Percy Boyd Staunton
The supernatural has been a topic of discussion since before time. Sometimes itââ¬â¢s even referred to ââ¬Å"powers beyond our control.â⬠There have always been mysteries to the human mind that still have not yet been explained. Fifth business shares this theme of the supernatural several times within the novel itself. It shows itself to Dunny, Percy and Paul. Paul Dempster killed Percy Boyd Staunton. This is proven by the fact that Paul was an escape artist. As well, hypnosis could have played a part in the killing. Finally, Paul had made the statement: ââ¬Å"I have everything I need.â⬠Paul was an escape artist. He shoed his appearance illusion on his magic show. ââ¬Å"He began his show by appearing in the middle of the stage out of nowhere; he plucked a wand from the air, and wrapping himself in a black cloak, suddenly became transparentâ⬠¦then, after another flourish of the cloak, he was present in the flesh again.â⬠(203-204). This was the Pepperââ¬â¢s Ghost illusion. Paul had also performed several escaping tricks such as ââ¬Å"â⬠¦From ropes and straps bound on him by men from the audience who fancied themselves as artists in bondage.â⬠(205). The grand escape was being in the metal container, in the water. ââ¬Å"Eisengrim, wearing only a pair of bathing trunks, was handcuffed and pushed upside down into a metal container like a milk can. The top of the milk can was fastened shut with padlocks, some of which members of the audience had brought with them. The milk can was lowered into a tank of water, with glass windows in it so that the audience could see the interior clearly. Curtains were drawn around the tank and its contents, and the audience sat in silence to await events. Two men were asked to time the escape; and if more than 3 minutes elapsed, they were to order the fireman who was in attendance to break open the milk can without delay. The three minutes passed. The fireman was given the word and made a very clumsy business of ge... Free Essays on Who Killed Percy Boyd Staunton Free Essays on Who Killed Percy Boyd Staunton The supernatural has been a topic of discussion since before time. Sometimes itââ¬â¢s even referred to ââ¬Å"powers beyond our control.â⬠There have always been mysteries to the human mind that still have not yet been explained. Fifth business shares this theme of the supernatural several times within the novel itself. It shows itself to Dunny, Percy and Paul. Paul Dempster killed Percy Boyd Staunton. This is proven by the fact that Paul was an escape artist. As well, hypnosis could have played a part in the killing. Finally, Paul had made the statement: ââ¬Å"I have everything I need.â⬠Paul was an escape artist. He shoed his appearance illusion on his magic show. ââ¬Å"He began his show by appearing in the middle of the stage out of nowhere; he plucked a wand from the air, and wrapping himself in a black cloak, suddenly became transparentâ⬠¦then, after another flourish of the cloak, he was present in the flesh again.â⬠(203-204). This was the Pepperââ¬â¢s Ghost illusion. Paul had also performed several escaping tricks such as ââ¬Å"â⬠¦From ropes and straps bound on him by men from the audience who fancied themselves as artists in bondage.â⬠(205). The grand escape was being in the metal container, in the water. ââ¬Å"Eisengrim, wearing only a pair of bathing trunks, was handcuffed and pushed upside down into a metal container like a milk can. The top of the milk can was fastened shut with padlocks, some of which members of the audience had brought with them. The milk can was lowered into a tank of water, with glass windows in it so that the audience could see the interior clearly. Curtains were drawn around the tank and its contents, and the audience sat in silence to await events. Two men were asked to time the escape; and if more than 3 minutes elapsed, they were to order the fireman who was in attendance to break open the milk can without delay. The three minutes passed. The fireman was given the word and made a very clumsy business of ge...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Circular Distributors Marketing Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Circular Distributors Marketing Services - Essay Example Now a days with the easy availability of information, companies generally wishes to target individual customers rather than going for a mass population. Therefore it has provided a huge opportunity for the firms indulged in supplying of services. Apart from providing information about the consumers to their clients these organisations on behalf of the client also communicates the messages to the target consumer group. The report is principally focused on the market analysis of Circular Distributorââ¬â¢s Ltd. In this process the report will try to make an analysis of their service offerings and portray it in a meaningful way. The report will also try to put out a new service development strategy for the company. Apart from this the dissertation will also highlight some of the ways to implement the newly developed strategy. Circular Distributorââ¬â¢s Ltd: A Brief Overview Circular Distributorââ¬â¢s Ltd. is an organisation which is considered as the pinnacle of information prov iding service industry. The company is in business for more than 50 years. The company mainly work as the supplier of services to the target consumers of their clients. ... Therefore it is highly recommended that that service organisations should constantly keep an eye on the turbulent marketing environment and take necessary steps in order to respond quickly to the demanding situations. The company is mainly in the business of providing direct marketing services for its clients. These include selling of informational services, door to door delivery and later came up with different publications. The company is also in a strong association with its client Lever brothers, for them the company has delivered around 10 million free samples to different households throughout the United Kingdom. The important and noticeable publications of the company include Emmaââ¬â¢s diary, one step-ahead publication, Emmaââ¬â¢s diary pre-school guide and married life. Each of the variants was meant for different segment of customers. For example Emmaââ¬â¢s diary was only intended for pregnant women (Emmasdiary, n.d.). Since the company is associated into diversifi ed business lines there will be availability competitors from different segments, but the major competitors of the company are Claritas, ICD and Experian. Market Analysis: Circular Distributorââ¬â¢s Ltd. Circular Distributorââ¬â¢s Ltd. started its marketing operations in the form of scatter gun approach but later changed to distribution mode. The company generally delivered promotional leaflets as well as Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) like soaps, shampoos and tea bags among others to the households of different consumers. But such system is considered quite one-dimensional in current scenarios and therefore some new techniques were necessity for the company to survive in the long run. And with the course of time industries like FMCG had more exciting
Monday, February 3, 2020
Dissertation Assignment Power Point Additions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Dissertation Power Point Additions - Assignment Example (In many cases, inadequate knowledge on the biomedical factors related to obesity in childhood, the possible factors were not revealed, and as a result, the phenomenon of childhood obesity and its holistic medicine implications were less understood and hence remained unknown) (Mainstream biomedical model of healthcare can access this population, but that field is totally unaware of the holistic dimension of the requisite interventions, hence fails to implement them leading to failure to control childhood obesity) (This author's knowledge and expertise in holistic medicine and ability to apply appropriate research methodology may lead to delineation of guidelines based on clinical holistic medicine that may indeed fruitfully lead to successful interventions culminating into behavioral changes in children) (Biomedical solutions have been ineffective in controlling these problems, although these have been able to deliver the factors that cause childhood obesity. Behavioral theories pertinent to holistic medicine indicate that lifestyle change is a matter of behavioral modification, which may be initiated by awareness about the factors related to the problem, but sustenance of these changed behaviors must have an element of self-effort on the part of individuals at risk or already affected) Holistic family interventions to modify
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Ericksonââ¬â¢s Theory of Psychosocial Development Analysis
Ericksonââ¬â¢s Theory of Psychosocial Development Analysis Psychology 1: Development and learning Identity verse confusion An adolescent is a person who is currently in the process of developing from a child into an adult. This process involves many social and physical changes that challenge the adolescent. It is in this stage that a person forms their identity. This time period has been defined by Erik Erikson as Identity verse Confusion. This period can be particularly challenging and in a post-Apartheid South Africa, adolescence are finding this stage more challenging than in the past. (Bray, Gooskens, Khan, Moses Seekings, 2010) Erick Ericksonââ¬â¢s theory of psychosocial development is one of the few developmental theories that does not restrict development to a specific age group or time period, but rather he suggests that development is a continuous process that spans the entirety of human life. (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013) His theory is broken into 8 distinctive stages. In order for one to progress from one stage to the next a person must complete the challenge or crisis associated with that stage. Ericksonââ¬â¢s places particular emphasis on the adolescent stage (ages 12 -20) identity verse confusion. (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013) Erikson believed this stage was particularly important in the sense that it was at this stage that one builds social relationships, finds a sense of belonging and decided the general direction of their life. He also believed once this stage was completed one could move on to the next stage Intimacy vs Isolation. (Ages 20 ââ¬â 30). This stage is considered young adul thood and associated with finding a life partner, settling down and falling into your job role. (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013) In the earlier stages of Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory, a childââ¬â¢s identity is primarily based on identification with role models. (Thom Coetzee, 2004) However during adolescence there is need create a sense of autonomy and as a result the adolescent moves away from the parents and role models and looks toward peer groups for guidance and support in their search for identity (Allen Land, 1999). The adolescents also begin to question previous ideologies that they had acquired throughout childhood and begin to retain and identify with opinions that assimilate into their new world views. (Thom Coetzee, 2004) However Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory does not consider how different cultures, classes and genders differ in this developmental process. In a post-Apartheid South Africa there is a significant difference between say how an African and a Caucasian adolescent develop due to cultural differences and expectations (Thom Coetzee, 2004). There is also a difference between males and females, as well as those who live in lower socio economic circumstances in comparison with those who occupy the wealthier socio economic station in life with in South Africa. (Bray, Gooskens, Khan, Moses Seekings, 2010). Erick Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory is focused on a western perspective of development and therefore as result as I as a white, middle class, educated female, fall within the bounds of his theory. Erikson believes that the conflict that adolescents must overcome is the conflict between identity and role confusion (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013). They have to begin making decisions that will affect their life in the future, for example whether to attend university or go straight into the work force as well as opinions such as political views and religious views must also develop. (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013). This I can strongly relate to and as an adolescent I grappled and still grapple with these challenges. In my matric year these questions of my future where most prevalent, choosing a degree and a university was the first major conflict that I faced and it is one that took almost the entire year to overcome. The pressure to choose a socially acceptable degree, that still is within my skill set and what I love to do was a challenge, naturally my parents were drawn to the idea of me perusing a degree in commerce that would be practical. However I had formed my own opinion and as Allen and Land (2010) mention I began to question previous ideologies set out by my parents, that they had acquired throughout childhood and begin to retain and identify with opinions that fitted more in line with what I believed. As a result I chose a degree and a university that would fit my views and as a result Iââ¬â¢m perusing a Batchelor of Arts degree, successfully overcoming that challenged. Furthermore in 2014 my political views were also challenged as it was an election year. Having just turned eighteen I was permitted to vote for the first time and as a result I had to question and form a knowledge base of who and what I needed to support before I cast my vote. These challenges where overcome eventually overcome by active seeking of information. Erickson expresses a great importance is placed on per groups during this period of adolescence and as a result I found myself turning to my close friend groups for advice on both challenges. However this process cannot apply to all adolescents within South Africa. South African adolescents have all been subjected to socio-political changes in recent years and as a result they are forming identities in a society that is itself undergoing a transformation (Thom Coetzee, 2004). As a result adolescents may experience a dual identity crisis, their individual as well as a cultural crisis (Kilpatrick, 1974 as cited in Thom Coetzee, 2004). An example of this is seen within the black adolescent group. During Apartheid many black adolescents identified with groups with strong social and cultural identities (Kilpatrick, 1974 as cited in Thom Coetzee, 2004). The black adolescents all experienced the same oppressive conditions under the apartheid regime and as a result formed a common group identity. It could be said that this structured group identity model continues to serve as a clear frame of reference in this post-Apartheid era (Thom Coetzee, 2004). However since 1994 South Africa has been governed by a democratic system, eliminating the factor of oppression. Therefore African cultures are now recognised and dignified and as a result young black South Africans can accept their culture with pride. Making it possible for these adolescents to choose the direction of their lives without the overhanging factor of oppression allowing for a more personal choice of identity rather than a group identity (Thom Coetzee, 2004). However it could be said that this newly found social freedom could be contributing to role confusion within black adolescents. Since the end of apartheid new role models and economic structures have been formed and as a result South Africa is becoming increasingly more globalised. this has affected the black adolescence in the fact that they two are becoming globalised and as a result they are merging their cultural roots with western ideals. This however may isolate them from their cultural backgrounds and elders and therefore leaded to confusion on where they belong (Early, 2008) Other factors that can affect adolescent identity development that are not considered by Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory is gender and social demographics. Again due to the previous Apartheid regime many young South Africans have been subjected to the effects of a history of legitimised power relationships between racial groups and the culturally inscribed gender roles that accompany it (Bray, Gooskens, Khan, Moses Seekings, 2010). As a result there are different expectations that are placed on males and females, even within the same cultural groups. An examples are boys, especially in poorer socio-economic arears, who are expected to conform to the ridged definition of masculinity. This is a result of the absence of jobs, and recreational activities for the young men and therefore these men must prove themselves in alternative fashion, often resorting to violence (Bray, Gooskens, Khan, Moses Seekings, 2010). As stated previously Erickson believed that during this time of adolescence peer relationships become increasingly important in the adolescence search for autonomy. (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013). However even these peer relationships are affected by race, gender and social standing and as the adolescent begins to explore the possibility of romantic relationships and sexual relationships these factors again play a role (Bray, Gooskens, Khan, Moses Seekings, 2010). For example adolescences within African neighbourhoods report to have more sexual relations then those in poor coloured neighbourhoods. Those in poor neighbourhoods stated that they had more sexual relations then those in wealthier coloured neighbourhoods and those in wealthier coloured neighbourhoodââ¬â¢s sates that they had more sexual relations those in white neighbourhoods (Bray, Gooskens, Khan, Moses Seekings, 2010). This shows how demographics and race affect your relationships and ultimately your identity. The examples above show how within South Africa there is a diverse range of what adolescent development entails. However they have not expressed what the basic skills and values that are necessary for the resolution if an identity crisis James Marcia expanded on Erick Ericksonââ¬â¢s theory of psychosocial development theory. He suggested that there where a combination of explorations which involve active questioning aimed at making decisions about goals and values and a commitment to those goals and values (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013). He determined that there were four identity statuses: foreclosure, identify diffusion, marorium and identity achievement (Waterman, 1982). Identity foreclosure relates to when a commitment is made without exploring any alternatives to that commitment. Often adolescents who fall in to this category base their beliefs solely on their parentââ¬â¢s values (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013). Often this is seen in adolescents who identify greatly with their parents prior too or during adolescents (Waterman, 1982). These adolescents have not successfully overcome the identity crisis. Identity diffusion is when some adolescents become overwhelmed by the task of identity development and neither make commitments nor explore. They have little interest in identity status and often do not undergo an identity crisis (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013). These adolescents will have for the most part permissive, neglecting parents and therefore will have difficulty in successfully resolving an identity crisi s (Waterman, 1982). Identity moratorium is a status of indivulaus who are currenty in a crisis who is still exploring identity commitments. These individuals have not yet overcome the crisis and may either fall in the identity diffusions status not making any commitment at all or may fall in to the identity achievement status (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013). Identity achievement is the status of an individual who has successfully overcome the crisis they have undergone exploration and have made a commitment (Comer, Gould Furnham, 2013). The increased availability of role modles will greatly aid in the formation of stable commitments. A successful adult role model may serve as a example on how to overcome challenges and difficult situations. Furthermore Parents who they themselves have successfully achieved identity achievement will help nurture this value in their child (Waterman, 1982). Therefore in conclusion it can be said that within a South African context psychosocial development, especially identity verse confusion is experienced differently depending on race, culture, gender and demographics. it can also be said that not all adolescents experience the psychosocial crisis within this stage and therefore many do not fall in to the identity achievement status.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Caterpillar Ethics
Caterpillarââ¬â¢s Views on Ethics and Sustainability Caterpillar, Inc. is indeed one of the Worldââ¬â¢s most Ethical companies. In 2011 it was listed in Ethisphereââ¬â¢s Worldââ¬â¢s Most Ethical (WME) Companies under Industrial Manufacturing. Personal Ethics Caterpillar has a worldwide Code of Conduct. The values it stresses are integrity, excellence, teamwork, commitment. They understand the importance of diversity and strive to achieve all of the above values given a diverse world environment and despite their differences. They feel that compliance within the laws are not sufficient.They want be leaders in ethics. They require all leaders within the company to be a role model and follow all of the rules with the Worldwide Code of Conduct. They are known to have a value-based culture. They are honest and refuse to make any ââ¬Å"improper paymentsâ⬠of any sort. Ethics within the Supply Chain Caterpillar says in their Worldwide Code of Conduct that they ââ¬Å"seek strong, mutually rewarding business relationships with suppliers who enhance the value of our products and services through close collaboration throughout the entire life cycle.We view suppliers as extensions of our company and an essential part of our extended value chain. We look for suppliers and business allies who demonstrate strong values and ethical principles and who support our commitment to quality. We avoid those who violate the law or fail to comply with the sound business practices we embrace. No supplier is required to buy Caterpillar products in order to compete for business or to continue as a supplier.We do reserve the right, consistent with applicable law, to require suppliers to use Caterpillar equipment when performing work on Caterpillar premises and where Caterpillar offers a product appropriate for the work being performed. We encourage fair competition among our potential suppliers, contractors and other vendors, and work equitably and reasonably with allâ⠬ . Ethical Behavior Regarding the Environment Caterpillar strives to come up with solutions that improve their operations efficiency in a sustainable way.They balance innovation and technology to improve their productivity and efficiency while reducing their environmental footprint. One major way they are accomplishing this is with their fast growing remanufacturing business. This is where they return end-of-life components to same-as-new condition. By doing so, they vastly reduce the amount of waste and minimize the need for the amount of raw material needed to produce new parts.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Know Your Competitors
Know Your Competitor A healthy competition among fellow people is always good for improvement in every field. Especially, a businessman needs to be aware of his competitors and the steps they are taking to draw more and more clients. There are a lot of ways, got with the help of advanced technologies, which can be used for acquiring enough data related to the market: Track the Ad: To track the advertising websites and the keywords used there by the competitors you need monitoring tools like Adbeat, AdGooroo, MixRank, Moat,SocialAdNinJa, WhatRunsWhere ââ¬â any one of these. With the help of Adbeat, you can know about the strategies of the advertisements the competitors are using, many unknown fellow competitors and their advertising agenda. Even there is a 30-day free trial available. While with AdGooroo, the page-ranks and page views are available on a giant Display board. It includes SEM Insight Tool that helps to know the keywords, competitive intelligence, PPC and SEO related information.In MixRank the mixture of ll types ads companies are using are available like display ads, text ads, demographics etc. If you put the speculative competitor's brand mane in the free search tool of Moat, the search bar will produce some results on your screen showing the top ads they are using recently. Tracing the Keywords: Tracing the keywords is equally necessary to know about the recent trend of the market, what are the keywords that are attracting more page views and what are keeping rage ranks in the static position.For discovering avourable keywords, KeywordSpy, KeywordCompetitor, iSpionage, SEMrush, SpyFu and The Search Monitor are always helpful. All of them are used more or less for the same purpose, but the difference lies in the use of advanced technology. Researching on Backlinks: You can even check the backlinks by pasting the URL links, know about the present and historical records, IPs, top pages, anchor texts etc from Ahrefs, Majestic Site Explorer, and O pen Site Explorer etc.Checking Web Ranking: Get a detailed graphic picture of the targeted audience and nteractive clients of your competitor from Alexa, Compete, SimilarWeb which is famous for tracking web traffic along with many other important data. Social Media: It is really tiring and time consuming to go to the same website regularly to know about the competitor's next step. Google Alert, Social Mention, Talkwater, Topsy and Twitter ââ¬â there are many options for monitoring the social media spaces of the competitors. Social media is a space with optimized potentiality and from Fan Page Karma, Twitter,
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Skeleton Owner s Gender, Ethnicity, Height, And Age
INTRODUCTION At 4 pm, in a certain park, 2 skeletons were found lying side by side behind the bushes. It was concluded that the two were a couple because they were holding hands whilst the skull was facing each other. A femur, pelvic girdles, skulls, tibia, and humerus were taken from each of the skeleton and observations were made to identify their gender, race, age, and height. One is a female, and the other was a male, also the skeletons pretty much remained intact from being undisturbed however, a few of the hand or feet bones can be found lying a little further off perhaps due to the scattering of birds. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS There were many factors that lead t the discovery of the skeleton ownerââ¬â¢s gender, ethnicity, height, and age.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Nevertheless, the unidentified person may have had malnutrition, which would lead to stunted growth in certain areas that happened to not affect the humerus or femur. Back to how the results came out, the students plugged the measurements into certain formulas according to race and gender. By having these differences in formula, it made it more accurate because each race and gender, due to genetics, can make the height different. The age was 30 years and above. By observing some of the skeletal structures, it was able to give an estimate. Places that were inspected were the humerus, femur, and pelvis. It was especially the pelvis ââ¬â where all segments of the sacrum are united with no evidence of epiphyseal unions ââ¬â that gave away the fact that she was 30 years old plus. The others, like the femur and humeru s, would give a general age however the standards stopped at the age of 20; the bone doesnââ¬â¢t shift much past that unless its osteoporosis or something similar. FURTHER ANALYSIS Facial reconstruction is used as a last resort to identify remains by placing clay atop the skeleton in hopes of reconstructing what that person may look like to get a possible identification. They would gather average tissue thickness from the ethnicity, gender, and age (children, teens, and adults) and apply it to the skull according to the correct gender,Show MoreRelatedMandinka Empire21578 Words à |à 87 Pagesafter Turnerââ¬â¢s work appeared. Pollitzerââ¬â¢s Table 16, based on Turnerââ¬â¢s analysis, thus shows that Yoruba and Kongo have the highest percentage (15.9% and 14.5%) of 3595 Gullah words as personal names, while the following Mande groups as individual ethnicities seem to have far less importance: Mandinka and Mandingo are 4.2% and 1.6%; the Mende are 8.9%; Bambara are 6.6%; Vai are 4.5%; Malinke are 0.2%; and Susu are 0.1%. However, the combined Mande total would be 26.1%, much higher than that for KongoRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A . Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 Pages Smithââ¬â¢s fully global perspectives make clear that even though gender parity has rarely been attained in any society and there have been major setbacks or few advances in INTRODUCTION â⬠¢ 5 many countries, the position of women worldwide has improved dramatically and has very often empowered a substantial portion of humanity in ways that would have been unthinkable a century ago. Jean Quataertââ¬â¢s contribution to gender shifts in the twentieth century focuses more narrowly on the variableRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words à |à 922 Pagesmanaging, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures, and in this respect you will find this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.ââ¬â¢s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the
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